We are updating our domain renewal prices to reflect the value of our offering more accurately and to make sure that we continue providing you with the level of quality and service which you’ve come to expect from us.

We are only updating the prices for domain renewals. Prices for New Registrations, Transfers and Restore will continue to remain the same ensuring you are able to still offer great pricing to new customers.

When are we updating our domain renewal prices?

we will be making the changes on May 13th, 2019.

Why are we updating our domain renewal prices?

We get it. Nobody likes price increases. Our renewal prices have stayed stable for many years now. But now, we feel that increasing our prices by a tiny amount rather than compromising on the quality of service we provide was the best way forward. We would have loved to maintain our prices, but new governing policies and changing business landscape have increased our cost of operation and compliance.

Over the years, we have also consistently upgraded our systems to ensure a consistently good experience for you. Some of these changes were geared towards performance while others were made to make us and you compliant with a variety of new regulations like GDPR and other similar privacy laws. These changes have ensured a seamless experience for you.

If you have any queries surrounding this change or would like more information about this, please feel free to contact us at support@dreamyvision.in

Team DreamyVision



Saturday, April 13, 2019

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